
Why Is My AC Running But Not Cooling?

As the summer sun beats down, the key to a cool and comfortable home is your central air conditioning system. But what happens when your air conditioner is humming away yet fails to deliver that sweet, refreshing cold air? It’s a frustrating scenario, and there are several reasons why your AC unit might be running without cooling. Advantage Heating & Air Conditioning is here to diagnose the culprit and get your home comfortable again. What Causes Air Conditioners to Run But Not Cool? There are several common reasons why air conditioning systems might run without blowing cold air effectively. Let’s explore some of the most frequent culprits: These are just

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How Do I Know If My AC Fuse Is Blown?

Ah, the sweet relief of cool air on a scorching summer day. But what happens when your trusty air conditioner goes silent, leaving you sweltering indoors? One potential culprit could be a blown fuse. This guide from Advantage Heating & Air Conditioning will equip you with the knowledge to identify a blown AC fuse and get your cool comfort back on track. What Is an AC Fuse and What Does It Do? An air conditioner’s fuses are safety devices nestled within the HVAC system’s electrical panel. Its purpose is to safeguard your air conditioner from electrical surges or overloads. Every electrical appliance, air conditioners included, needs a specific amount of

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What Does AC Maintenance Include?

As homeowners, our to-do lists often overflow with tasks and responsibilities, each vying for our attention. Amidst this juggling act, the faithful air conditioner quietly performs its duty, bringing relief from sweltering temperatures. Yet, behind the scenes, there’s a crucial task that often goes unnoticed—air conditioner maintenance. In this comprehensive guide, Advantage Heating & Air Conditioning explains the key components of AC maintenance, shedding light on the tasks that can enhance the performance and longevity of your AC unit. Professional AC Maintenance Check: A Step-by-Step Guide Homeowners should schedule AC maintenance at least once a year with a professional technician, ideally in the spring, to ensure optimal performance and longevity

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How Long Does an AC Tune Up Take?

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, time stands as a precious commodity. As responsible homeowners, the commitment to annual AC tune ups is a necessary task, yet the looming question of how long this appointment will take can lead some to put off regular AC maintenance. We understand – your schedule is tight, and efficiency matters. Advantage Heating & Air Conditioning explains what’s involved in the AC tune up process and how long you can expect this appointment to last. What Does an AC Tune Up Include? An annual AC tune up is like a spa day for your HVAC system. It involves a comprehensive inspection and

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Are AC Tune-Ups Necessary?

Imagine the scenario: the scorching heat of summer arrives and your AC system malfunctions. You’re frustrated, uncomfortable, and potentially facing pricy repair bills. It’s a dilemma many have dealt with and one that emphasizes the significance of routine AC tune-ups.  Similar to a car, HVAC systems are designed to last a long time. But tune-ups are key to keeping this the case. Here are seven reasons every homeowner should schedule a routine AC tune-up. Seven Benefits of a Tune-Up 1. Improved Air Quality A properly serviced AC system ensures clean air is circulating in your home. Standard maintenance prevents mold, mildew, dust, pollen, pet dander, and other debris from building

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What to Do Before Turning on the AC After Winter

As warmer temperatures approach and the anticipation of summer builds, having a functioning air conditioner is vital. But before you turn on your air conditioner for the season, it’s important to ensure your cooling system is fully prepared to help you beat the heat!  When Do I Turn My AC On? Don’t wait until that first toasty day to crank the AC. After months of sitting inactive, your unit will need some extra attention. You’ll want to check your indoor and outdoor air conditioning components for any problems before you need them for the long summer months. Steps to Take Before Turning Your AC On After Winter 1. Clean and

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What Are the Differences Between Gas and Electric Furnaces?

Choosing the right heating system is paramount to your home’s comfort. Gas and electric furnaces stand as two pillars in this domain, each with its own set of characteristics. However, many homeowners don’t know the difference between gas and electric furnace systems. Advantage Heating and Air explores the differences between these two forced air heating systems to help you make the choice between a gas or electric furnace. 1. Operation Gas Furnace: Gas furnaces operate on the principle of combustion. Natural gas or propane is ignited in the burner, generating heat. This heat energy is then transferred to the air through the heat exchanger before being distributed throughout the home

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Signs That You Should Replace Your Furnace

As the seasons change, our reliance on home heating systems becomes increasingly apparent. Your furnace works tirelessly to keep your home cozy. However, like any mechanical system, furnaces have a finite lifespan, and recognizing the signs of wear and tear is crucial.  In this guide, we’ll explore the telltale signs that indicate it might be time for a furnace replacement. 1. Age Matters Let’s start with the basics – the age of your heating system. Unlike fine wine, an old furnace doesn’t improve with time. When gas furnaces and electric furnaces are over 15 years old, they’re entering the twilight of their operational life. New gas furnaces and electric furnaces

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How Often Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?

When it comes to maintaining a healthy indoor environment, few things are as crucial as the air we breathe. Your home’s air ducts play a vital role in ensuring that the air circulating within is clean and free from contaminants. However, determining how often to clean air ducts can be a bit of a puzzle. Advantage Heating & Air Conditioning explains the factors influencing the frequency of air duct cleaning, situations that may necessitate more frequent cleaning, and the telltale signs that your air ducts are overdue for a thorough cleanse. Why Are Air Duct Cleaning Services Necessary? Air ducts act as the respiratory system of your home, facilitating the

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Why Is My Thermostat On But There Is No Heat?

The comfort of a warm home is a modern luxury we often take for granted until the day our thermostat is on but there’s no heat coming from your heat pump or gas furnace. It’s a frustrating scenario, especially during the chilly months, leaving you puzzled and reaching for extra layers. If you find yourself in this predicament, fear not – there are several potential culprits, ranging from thermostat issues to problems within your heating system. Let’s delve into the possible reasons and solutions for this common household dilemma. Why Is My Thermostat On But No Heat Is Produced? Thermostat Issues The first port of call when your digital thermostat

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